LMS Certifcate Authentication Page
This Certificate was Issued by Toolkit Skills & Innovation Hub
About Us:
The Toolkit for Skills and Innovation Hub is a Kenya-based digitally innovative social enterprise founded in 2014 with the goal of disrupting youth unemployment. Toolkit trains vulnerable youth and women, certifies their skills with regulatory bodies, and then links them to employment or entrepreneurship.
Our mission is to transform vulnerable youth to prosperity through innovation and skills for current and future labour markets.
Certification: We collaborate with recognized bodies to validate the acquired skills of our trainees.
Employment & Entrepreneurship Support: We connect our graduates with internship opportunities or equip them with the tools to become successful entrepreneurs.
Our Vision:
A leader in powering Africa with skilled, confident, and productive youth.
This verification confirms the legitimacy of the certificate issuance but does not guarantee the specific skills or knowledge competency of the graduate.

Contact Us
The Toolkit Skills & Innovation Hub, No. 7219 Karen-Kikuyu (Southern Bypass), Kikuyu, Kenya
M: +254709549200
E: office@toolkitafrica.ac.ke